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Carlsbad, CA


Gear, Accessories, Lighter

A New Way to Light

Shine a light on you. Turn on your heartlight. Anyway, you get it.

The Carbon is a reusable, design-forward lighter meant to spark conversation while it sparks your joint. Or pipe. Or whatever you got goin.

THE Details

  • 4.3” L x 1.8“ W x 0.5” D
  • Weight: 81g
  • Fillable inverted designed with angled flame port for use right side up or upside down
  • Low temperature, adjustable candle flame
  • High-precision trigger ignition  
  • Use premium, high-performance butane for optimal results 



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In their own words...

"From the moment you pick up any Vessel product, you’ll feel and see the difference. You’ll obsess over its signature design and character. We’re inspired by creating unforgettable designs, simplicity being paramount to our approach. Our promise is to make every experience more expressive and personal, and to deliver the best performance in our line. Our collection is an honest display of our attention to detail and craftsmanship that’s second to none.”

Brand Values & Honors

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